
Make Your Business Appear on Google Maps, Let Your Customers Find You Easily.

Increase visits to your business with advertising on Google maps!

Google Map Registration / Ads

By adding places to Google Maps, your potential customers can easily find your business address, contact information, and your company’s hours of operation.

Adding places to Google Maps gives your business a huge advantage. Your customers are much more likely to contact you.

You can share detailed information about your business by adding a location to the map.

Let’s say you run a bakery. By typing “the closest patisserie” to your location and displaying photos of both your business and your products to your potential customers who search on Google, you encourage your customer to visit your business.


Is there a fee to add places to Google Maps?

  • Google Maps address adding process will be completed within 14 days at the latest.
  • Google Map Registration has no annual fee.
  • Google charges a one-time fee for registration.
  • Google Map registration price is 300 TL + VAT.

The accuracy of all the business information you add is as important as adding a Google Maps location. An incorrectly added location information may cause your customers to complain.

What Did They Say About Us?

Let your business's map information be at the top!

With Google Map registration, people can see the phone information of your business, get direct directions with the address and visit your website.

Take your business one step ahead of your competitors with Google Maps ads. Let the map of your business appear at the top of the Google map service.


Advertising on Google Maps has many benefits for your business.


Imagine you run a veterinary clinic. The person whose dog got sick searched Google for the word “open vet”. In front of this person, a map of 15-20 different veterinarians appears in the Google Maps service. However, it takes directions for the address information of the veterinarian at the top.

With Google Maps advertising, you can be the top veterinarian to come across this person.

Do you want to increase your sales with advertisements?

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