
Find people who will love using your app.

Directly to your mobile app with Google Play Ads
Find valuable contacts.

Find valuable contacts for your Mobile app with App Ads

With application campaigns, you can promote your application on Google search engine, Google Play, YouTube and millions of Google’s contracted websites, and you can find people who will love your application.

What are Mobile App Ads?

Google Application ads allow your application to meet with users who are interested in applications similar to your application and interact with such applications. Shown on all mobile sources, Google, iOS, Google Play.

Placing mobile application ads

There are 2 main purposes of placing mobile application ads.

These are;

  1. How to increase the number of app installs,
  2. Increasing the value of in-app transactions.

At this point, mobile application advertising companies determine what your application target is and design the most suitable advertising model for your application and budget.

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Mobile App ad prices

The cost per mobile app ad, the target ROAS based on in-app purchases and the pricing of app ads should be determined. In this way, in order to get closer to the target budget (For example; 1 TL), Google mobile application ads work in the most optimized way to reach the determined target.

Where do mobile app ads appear?

Google allows users to find your mobile app in Google’s largest properties to promote your mobile app and increase app installs.

  1. When you search on the search engine,
  2. While in the Google display network,
  3. While on Google Play,
  4. While watching videos on YouTube,
  5. You can bring your mobile application ads to users on all platforms, including the Explore area in the Google search network.

Important Tip

Do you know that 25% of smartphone users use search engines to find new apps? Search engine ads are just as important as in-app ads. Don’t ignore it. If you’ve taken the time to produce and develop an app, definitely take the time to get your current and potential customers to use that app as well.

There are multiple methods to promote your application, make sure to determine the right path for your application and increase the number of users who download your application.

If you don’t know where to start, fill out the information form. Our experts in the field of Google application ads will be happy to assist you.

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