
Expand Your Business and Network!

Find out what we can add to your marketing and sales processes with a focus on B2B e-export!

Take your place at one of the first preferred channels for B2B companies to advertise.

It is one of the first preferred channels for B2B companies to advertise. But it is an ideal space not only for B2B companies, but also for companies that sell products/services to the professional segment (e.g. education, software). It is also indispensable for human resources companies and departments, as they can reach people with specific professional qualifications.

It is a powerful platform to strengthen your corporate image, increase brand awareness, sell products/services, and announce your events to your customers, other corporate executives, and industry professionals.

With LinkedIn, you can reach experienced and professional business partners to highlight your brand in the digital network of professionals. For years, LinkedIn has developed itself as the largest business network in the world. Our team at LinkedIn has the knowledge and expertise to help you grow your business on the site, which is a great repository for marketers and employers.

LinkedIn Ad Models

Text Ads: This is LinkedIn’s simplest ad model. A short text and optionally a small photo are used. It is displayed at the top or right of the page.

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Display Ads: These are standard visual ads that appear on the right side of the LinkedIn main flow.

Dynamic Ads: Unlike other ad models, it gives the opportunity to customize the ad according to the user.

Sponsored Content: It is an advertising model that appears in the main flow and is used to show the content that advertisers produce on their LinkedIn profiles or in another digital medium.

Sponsored InMail: Enables the displayed audience to take action. Because you can send your personalized messages directly to users’ LinkedIn message box.

Candidate creation: You can get the information of the candidates by quickly filling out the form of the people related to your product/service. This ad model is shown to people who are more likely to shop from your business.

LinkedIn advertising prices are more expensive than other digital media. However, the fake account rate is very low. Therefore, it is easier to get ads in front of your target audience and the return rate of ads is higher.

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